Today is my dog Malcolm’s 5th birthday. Mom told me years ago, even when my Silky Terrier Petey was still living, that I should get a West Highland Terrier. Of course, we both loved Petey so much and the time was years away, yet, for Malcolm to enter our lives and heal my broken heart from the loss of Petey. Mom had been driving down a main thoroughfare in our hometown and saw a Westie in a convertible passenger seat wearing red sunglasses. I think the memory always stayed with her. It was her immediate suggestion to get a Westie when Petey passed away. I’ve spent the day giving an extra dose of kindness to the little guy who can’t quite walk in the paw prints of Petey, but who has doled out his affection and showed me that love does, indeed, heal the hurt.
#westie #westhighlandterrier